Saturday, June 21, 2014

Dear anh Thanh,
It's almost been a month since you moved in, I cannot describe how happy I feel, being able to see you everyday and know that you are home safely, it is a very good feeling. I don't know how to describe it, but its very nice. I wish this can last for a very long long long time. It'ts kinda weird, when everything happens so smoothly besides me, I am very afraid that it will gone very fast too. I wish that I can control things, but then again, it will not be life anymore if I can. Wouldn't it?

I love how we decorated and put your rooms together. I love how we went to ikea to pick out the lamb, the curtains, and others for your rooms. I love how we work together to put all the shelves together. I love it very much. I feel like we are putting our home together.... . P.s I hope that there will be that one day that this dream can really come true.

You know, I love how you snuck your face into my neck and spin around on your head yesterday. i feel very happy. I feel like we are a newly-wed couple enjoy our honeymoon. I was very very happy. But then again, I am afraid this is only temporary.

Even though you said there will chance that we will be together. I am really scared I am not strong enough for you. I am scared that I won't be able to bring you what you have been looking for.

But guess what I will try my best with the bet. I really want to test how much I really love you. I will stop saying, and start doing now by showing you how a person can change.

P.s wait for me !